Global Business Directory 1.0.1
Global Business Directory gives you an opportunity to list yourServices & Business direct links to your website for free todrive traffic Globally to your site without hassle.Its a platform for all kinds of service providers in the followingfields; Building & Construction companies, Cell Phones dealersand Manufacturing companies, Kids Apparels Producers, GeneralClothing suppliers, General Electronics suppliers, Developers ofall kinds Properties, Automobiles service centers and dealerships,Building Products dealers, and services .Suppliers, Manufacturers, Producers, Dealers, Builders, Retailers,Wholesalers and All kinds of services providers are invited to listyour businesses absolutely Free!Are you among the following services providers; Masons, Carpenters,Painters, Plumbers, Mechanics, Repairers, Shoe Makers, FashionDesigners, etc....?If your answer is yes to any of the above mentioned, then Downloadthe App and take advantage of our free offer for a limited timeonly and List your business for Free .Stop selling or offering your valued services to people in yourcommunities , Cities, Regions, Country and Continent alone. GoGlobal and be heard.The world needs your valued services.4 Easy steps to get started.1. Download The App.2. Register For Your Free Account.3. Submit Your Business Link With company Logo if any.4. Wait for response. Done !!